Ever visited a website and gone straight to their latest news article, only to find the last post was months or even years ago? It certainly doesn’t give you the impression that the business is on the ball or even active.

Your website visitors could be thinking the same about your business if you are neglecting your most important marketing asset.

So if you haven’t added any fresh new content to your website lately, there’s no time like the present to get on with it, and as an added bonus, Google will love you for it!

Think adding news articles or blogs is hard work and time-consuming. It certainly doesn’t have to be and to be honest, if you can create a social media post, adding a news article to your site is just as simple and straightforward.

Many website owners worry far too much about creating a glossy magazine-style blog or news article, and by all means, if you have the time and financial resources to do this, go ahead. However, more people read tabloids than broadsheets so providing a regular source of local or industry news is far more important than absolute perfection.

Tying yourself up in knots trying to achieve ‘Country Life’ will make the whole process feel painfully hard and procrastination will soon creep in and you’ll be back to square one before you even start.

Can’t think of what to add?

You’re surrounded by a whole host of things to write about and take pictures of. All you need to do is open your eyes and really take in your local area and everything it has to offer.

Even your local high street is can be full of inspiration and any business would appreciate being name-dropped in an article about what great shops and services are available in your area.

Seasonal posts are always a winner, and if your local scenic pics are good enough to post on social media, they’re good enough to add to a blog post or area guides.

Estate agents are great at getting on board with charitable and local events, and we constantly see their social media pages packed with images of everything from cake sales to marathon runs, however, we seldom see them added to websites.

Adding your news to your website and then sharing the post across social media will not only provide you with some great content that can be reposted again and again, it will also help direct more traffic to your website and improve your Google ranking.

Can’t remember how to login into your CMS to add your own posts or want some help with content creation and area guides?

Get in touch and we’ll be glad to help.

Get blogging!