Some weeks ago, we emailed all of our customers regarding their GDPR website privacy policies and online forms, explaining the updates required to comply with new regulations and how we’ve made it incredibly easy for them to implement the changes needed.

Have you responded yet?

The process is simple and straightforward for our customers, because we did all the hard work first, so they don’t have to. Therefore, if you’ve been putting GDPR website updates off and thinking that it is going to be costly or time-consuming, here’s what some of our customers who we’ve already helped have been saying……

“Please pass on a HUGE thank you to your team for your hard work. Your efforts have made our GDPR compliance much less stressful!” 

Spencer Harvey Estate Agents

“Out of all the suppliers I use, you guys are head and shoulders above everyone.”

Holden Copley

So if you’ve been putting off your website GDPR compliancy, what are you waiting for? 

Lost or deleted our GDPR email by mistake?

Don’t worry. Get in touch with and she will make sure it is resent.