Have you fallen into the picture book website trap?

In today’s visually-oriented digital landscape, it’s easy to get caught up in the allure of stunning images and captivating visuals when planning the contents of a website, so much so that more and more websites are becoming little more than 2-minute flick through picture books. Great if you’re under 5, but it certainly won’t win you the attention of the grown-ups.

While we can all agree that visual aesthetics play a crucial role in attracting and engaging visitors, the importance of textual content should not be underestimated. In fact, websites that prioritise rich and informative content over a plethora of images are more likely to succeed in delivering value and enhanced user experience, including lower bounce rates, and higher return and conversion rates.

So don’t ‘dumb down’ your website; turn it into an information hub that will keep movers on your site and not on your competitors’.

Information and Communication

Content is the backbone of a website, serving as a means to convey information and communicate with visitors effectively. While images can capture attention, it is through written content that websites can deliver detailed explanations, provide context, and present information in a structured manner. Well-written and informative content helps visitors understand your services, and the value it offers, thereby building trust and credibility.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search engines rely on text to understand and index websites accurately. Websites that have substantial and relevant textual content have a higher chance of ranking well in search engine results pages (SERPs). By incorporating targeted keywords, headings, subheadings, and descriptive paragraphs, websites can improve their visibility and organic traffic. Images, on the other hand, are less easily understood by search engines, requiring alt text and accompanying textual descriptions to provide context and meaning.

Engaging and Retaining Visitors

While images can captivate visitors initially, it is content that engages them and keeps them coming back for more. Engaging written content, such as area and moving guides, blog posts, and news articles enables websites to share knowledge, insights, and stories that resonate with visitors. By offering valuable, informative, and engaging content, websites can establish themselves as go-to resources in their respective areas, fostering a loyal and engaged audience.

Building Authority and Trust

Websites with comprehensive content demonstrate expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. Detailed articles and guides showcase a business’s knowledge, and leadership, helping to position it as a reliable source of information. Visitors are more likely to trust and engage with a website that demonstrates expertise through well-researched content, ultimately leading to increased conversions, sales, and long-term customer relationships.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

One often overlooked aspect of website design is accessibility. Not all visitors can perceive or interact with visual elements equally, making it crucial to provide alternative means of accessing information. Content in the form of text ensures that individuals with visual impairments can utilise screen readers to consume website content effectively. Additionally, textual content can be translated into different languages, reaching a broader audience and improving inclusivity.

Social Media Sharing and Engagement

Content acts as fuel for social media engagement, providing valuable assets for sharing and discussion. Engaging articles, informative infographics, and thought-provoking blog posts create opportunities for visitors to share, comment, and engage with a website’s content across various social media platforms. In turn, this amplifies the reach and visibility of the website, attracting new visitors and driving traffic back to the site.

Creating a Happy Balance

While images undoubtedly enhance the visual appeal of a website, content remains the lifeblood that drives engagement, provides information, and builds lasting connections with visitors.

Need help getting the balance just right on your website? Our content creators would love to hear from you.