When someone views a full property page, we can show them a short-list of similar properties that may also be of interest.

As the agent you decide what you define as similar, be it, location, price, accommodation etc. and this produces a list of properties for the viewer to select from.

This handy tool works for everyone:

For the agent:

  • It demonstrates that, as an agent, you are listing properties at an accurate price as it provides an easy (and quick) comparison
  • If one property is not a match the visitor is presented with other options that might be better suited – keeping them on your site for longer
  • It demonstrates to potential vendors that you are selling properties like theirs.

For the vendor:

  • It shows a fair comparison with similar properties and demonstrates that their property is sat in the right place in the market
  • Increases traffic to their listing

For the purchaser:

  • it makes their life easier! There’s no need to repeatedly input the same information into forms, a suggestion as to what else might be suitable is right there!

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Similar Properties - £140